Entries open for the 2022 China Horse Owners Alliance race series
Applications for the entries to the China Horse Owners Alliance 2022 race series opened on 聚焦Monday.
According to an earlier announcement regarding the racing programme for Chinese-bred thoroughbreds next year, there will be 37 fixtures for two-year-olds in total, including 34 regular series all run over 1000 metres with average prize-money of no less than 100,000 CNY.
Much-expected by the horse owners and breeders, the prize-money of the CHOA Breeders Cup will be significantly boosted to two million from 600,000 CNY, which makes it the richest race of the season. It is noteworthy that, in comparison to the 2021 edition of the race, the distance of the annual event will also be increased to 1200 metres from 1000 metres. For the two-year-olds heading into training, the extra furlong means challenge as well as opportunity.
According to the announcement, before the runners are accepted in the series, they need to have a passport issued by the China Thoroughbred Stud Book Committee and be registered with the Yulong Jockey Club. The CHOA races are only open to their horse owner member.
The deadline for the first entries is on December 12, after which the alliance will make the necessary adjustments to the fixtures and prize-money plan according to the number of runners entered. Further announcements will be made via the CHOA and Yulong Jockey Club to allow the horse owners to confirm or forfeit their application at the first stage. The final list of runners will be published by April next year.
根据中国马主联盟的通知,报名需要同时满足 “马主是中国马主联盟成员”以及“参赛马匹需持有中国纯血马登记委员会护照并在玉龙马会注册登记”的参赛资格。
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本期主持:南方周末记者 王瑭琳点评嘉宾:上海政法学院东北亚研究中心副主任 杨震复旦大学中东研究中心研究员 邹志强兰州大学“一带一路”研究中心执行主任、阿富汗研究中心教授 朱永彪防务▶普京签署春季征兵令2025-01-17无人机新规出台,真高120米以上列入管制空域,500米航拍或成历史?